Bridge Problem 2


9 7 4
K Q 4
8 7 5 4 2
9 6
10 9 8 3
Q J 6 3
J 10 8 7 5
J 8 3
J 7 6 4 2
A K 10 9
A K Q 10 6 5 2
A K Q 4 3
The contract is 6 , to be played by South.
West leads 10. South takes with the Ace. South continues with 10!
What is the best approach for East?
For solution go to the bottom of the page[IMAGE]


It would be wrong to take the first trick with the jack! In that case South would be able to reach the dummy with the 9, making it possible for him to discard two losing clubs on K and Q.
[IMAGE]Back to the problem at the top of the page

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